Brigandi Blog — MOVING
The Start Of A New Beginning
2017 57THSTREET MOVING Store News
IT'S OFFICIAL, WE'RE MOVING!! We're saddened to see our home of the last 35 years being demolished, but all good things must come to an end. It's bittersweet of course, since we are building a brand new, state-of-the-art retail shop in NYC's premier shopping district. The new address is 104 East 57th Street. Construction at our new store will be completed in mid-late July. Please give us a call or email to schedule a visit. (212) 869-5350 - info@brigandicoin.comWe're Always Buying!________________________________________________________________ COMING JULY 2017 104 East 57th Street(Corner of Park Avenue)Located between BLT STEAK and CHASE BANK Are you...